1. Username: toshiba22
2. How Will You Help out: i will help if people ask and learn what i needed
3. Have you ever had experience as a staff:i do not have any experience for a runescape private server
4. Tell what makes this server great: its very fun to play and there are great people to talk with
5. Are you active in the forums?: i can be if im not at school or at practice
6. How long have you been playing?: about a week to two weeks
7. What level are you?: 125(combat) 868(overall)
8.proof of experience as a staff(screenshot,video): i have none since have never been a part of a staff for rsps
9. Any other comments?: ask me anything about me and ill try and tell you as best as i can
10. Would anyone recommend you for staff?: i dont think so because i am somewhat new